Matt Harris did most of my job for me (as usual) this week with his preview blog of the match-ups this weekend at Holt Arena that he and I will be broadcasting. You can read his blog here:
I'll go ahead and give you Paul's Picks for all the games being played this weekend, but due to a severe lack of time today, I won't be able to expound on any of my picks like usual.
What are YOUR picks?
Highland over CDA - 30-24
Madison over Lake City - 45-28
Blackfoot over Skyview - 35-20
Middleton over Bonneville - 24-17
Fruitland over Timberlake - 42-21
Shelley over Gooding - 28-18
Firth over West Side - 35-21
Declo over Marsing - 38-30
Kamiah over Troy - 45-35
Raft River over Butte County - 37-20
Garden Valley over Lighthouse - 35-28
Dietrich over Salmon River - 50-40